Helps Relieve helps relieve symptoms of stomach distress. Reflux-Away contains homeopathic products that have been used for the various symptoms of indigestion and stomach distress. The application of these homeopathic
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substances is done in strict compliance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. Reflux-Away also contains soothing herbs like Ginger and Cardamom, enzymes and other all-natural ingredients that provide a synergistic base for the homeopathics. Reflux-Away is indicated for relief of the symptoms of stomach distress, heartburn, indigestion, belching, and flatulence (gas). Soothe your digestive distress with Reflux-Away!
Helps Revieve Symptoms of Stomach Distress:
- Heartburn
- Indigestion
- Belching and Flatulence (gas)
- Best By 08/18/2021
Stomach distress
We take our stomach for granted until it hurts or gets upset and then it’s the most important thing in our lives. There are more than 60 million adults in the U.S. who experience stomach discomfort
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