20% Immunoglulins Plus 10 mg Beta Glucan
KAL® Colostrum 500 dietary supplement is sourced from 100% pure New Zealand colostrum. The colostrum is obtained from the cow within 48 hours of calving and processed in New Zealand under a fully implement HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) program.
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BSE (Boving Spongiform Encephalopathy) is not known to exist in New Zealand. Each capsule features 20% lmmunoglobulins, which includes all four of the key immunoglobulins; lgG, lgM, lgA and secretary lgA. This concentration of nutrients, enhanced with Beta Glucan, is intended to provide nutritive support for general health and well-being.
- it is rich in antioxidants, growth factors and proteins found to reduce the risk of infection, fight cancer, lower inflammation, promote a healthy gut and improve athletic performance
- Colostrum is also instrumental in supporting the production and function of natural killer cells, which are part of your cell-mediated immune system used to fight viral infections; lactoferrin, found in colostrum, feeds the lining of your gastrointestinal tract and reduces symptoms of leaky gut syndrome
What is Colostrum composition?
Consumption of colostrum first began in Eastern Europe, but it was during the 1970s in particular, with the resurgence in breastfeeding, that scientists focused on the role colostrum could play in the development of the neonatal immune system.
Immunologists subsequently began investigating whether bovine colostrum, rich in proteins, immunoglobulins and growth hormones, could be used to stimulate immunity in humans and to treat a range of health problems – gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory infections, rheumatoid arthritis – as well as in many other areas identified by scientists in studies conducted on the substance. Close examination of its composition has identified just how few nutritional substances have as many essential elements as colostrum. These elements can be grouped into three distinct categories:
Substances that boost the immune system;
Growth factors;
Bioactive essential nutrients used by the body to combat various imbalances or ailments that compromise health.
What substances boost the immune response?
Immunoglobulins (Ig), more commonly-known as antibodies, are used by the immune system to identify, attack and neutralize bacteria and viruses. This large family of compounds comprises five major groups: IgG, the most abundant antibodies in bovine colostrum which enhance immunity against pathogens (bacteria, viruses, toxins; IgA, primarily located in the gastrointestinal, respiratory and genitourinary tracts; IgM, mainly attack pathogenic bacteria; IgE, important factors in allergic and digestive reactions; and IgD, work in synergy with IgM to signal activation of B lymphocytes.
Cytokines, which comprise a large group of important cell signaling molecules. They are essential mediators in immune regulation, specific regulators of epithelial cell growth and development and mediators in the control of inflammatory responses.
Lactoferrin, an iron-binding glycoprotein which fights bacterial growth (particularly Escherichia coli and salmonella).
Lysozyme, an enzyme that destroys bacterial walls and works in synergy with IgA and lactoferrin.
Lactoperoxidase, which protects mammary glands from infection and numerous viruses.
PRPs (proline-rich peptides), short chains of amino acids which promote the growth and differentiation of B lymphocytes and Natural Killer (NK) cells and which ensure leukocyte proliferation.
What are the growth factors?
These are cell signaling factors, which help stimulate the growth, differentiation and maturation of cells. The most significant include:
Insulin-like growth factor (IGF), the most abundant compound in bovine colostrum, which plays a key role in child growth and has an anabolic effect in adults;
Epidermal growth factor (EGF), which helps modulate development of the epidermis, mammary glands and intestines;
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF), which generates new blood vessels and supports their activity;
Platelet growth factor, which ensures cell division and growth as well as formation of new blood vessels;
Transforming growth factor, alpha and beta, which are essential for tissue regeneration and cartilage formation.
What are the essential nutrients?
Vitamins: A, D3, B2, B9, B12;
Minerals and ions that function as catalysts of metabolism, and of the formation of ATP and bone matrix: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, calcium, iron, sodium
Carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins
What are Colostrum applications?
With its unique composition, colostrum supplementation has two essential applications:
At a dose of just 1 gram a day: stimulation and strengthening of the immune system. Trials have demonstrated protection against respiratory infections, flu and seasonal ailments.
At higher doses: improvements in physical performance and muscle mass.
Research has also shown positive effects on blood cholesterol, triglyceride levels and on ketones, particularly in diabetics with raised blood sugar levels. To gain the most from all these benefits, the recommended daily dose is two capsules of Colostrum standardised to 30% IgG. Very few unwelcome side-effects have been reported from taking colostrum, except mild gastrointestinal discomfort when supplementation is first started. The only potential contraindication to taking bovine colostrum is in the case of allergy to dairy products.
Best By 04/2021
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