While others enjoy spring, the blossoming plants, the warm summer days, the unfortunate allergy sufferer is limited by teary eyes, dripping nose, and a general swelling of the mucous membranes, and is easily fatigued;
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these symptoms can become debilitating. Most medications bring relief, but generally have significant side effects. However, homeopathy is highly effective for the prevention and treatment of hay fever and hay fever-type allergies, without drowsiness. A.Vogel Allergy Relief contains ingredients that have a long history of use for hay fever and its symptoms. Two of A.Vogel Allergy Relief ingredients improve the basic condition and lower the reaction level of allergy sufferers. A.Vogel Allergy Relief can be used for frequent sneezing, itchy nose, nasal congestion, watery eyes, swollen eyelids, inflamed sinuses, dry, itchy skin, allergic eczema.
A.Vogel Allergy Relief Homeopathic relief for:
- Hay fever
- Sneezing
- Watery eyes, swollen lids
- Allergic reactions
- Sniffling, itchy nose, nasal congestion
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